Is Now the Best Time to Buy a Home?
Are you or someone you know part of the 84% of Americans who believe that purchasing a home is a good financial decision? This is the highest percentage since 2007 – before the housing crisis.
It’s interesting to note that a renter’s net worth is $5,000 and a homeowner’s net worth is $225,000 – a whopping 45 times greater.
According to Freddie Mac, home-ownership increases wealth on average between $9 and $10,000 per year.
Home-ownership is truly the first rung . . . of creating that wealth.
According to a recent Gallup Poll, 34% believe Real Estate is the best choice for a long-term investment.
Do you already own a home? Do you know how much equity you have in your home?
Give us a call and sit down with us and we will show you what you can do with it.
Unlock the Magic.
House prices today are higher than they were at the peak in the summer of 2006, near-record-low mortgage rates have boosted housing demand, and sales volume is robust. The spoiler is the lean inventory.
My goal is to be a Difference Maker for my clients. Whether buying or selling, I will negotiate the best terms for you and create a great Real Estate Experience that is stress free – everyone should ‘Love where you live.’ If you don’t have a Realtor, I would be happy to connect you with a Realtor in your area to assist you in finding out the value of your home & in getting Top Dollar for your home. I am in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Looking forward to being of service to you. Connect with me at Debbie@DebbieWysocki.com | www.FloridaLuxuryHomesGroup.com